Friday, May 25, 2007

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Hello from outpatient admissions at Cedars! In order to get into the PICC Center where Ben will get his bone marrow biopsy and chemo, we have to go through admissions again. And I have to say that waiting around is the worst part of this saga.

So we're checking out this saltwater fish tank here in the waiting room, and this fish is sitting on the bottom looking pretty pekid. I tap the tank and he keels over on his side, looking pretty dead. So I go to the receptionist and ask, "so where do I report a dead fish"? And she says, "oh, he's just resting. Tap the tank and you'll see.". So we do, and the fish swims around! Now he's on his side on the bottom again. That is one goofy fish!

I'll report later on our status. Right now, we're all really hungry and thirsty because Ben couldn't have anything after midnight and we're joining in the fast.


Unknown said...

Nice you've got decent digs at the hospital, Scott; very cool that Ben was able to play video games- it's got to be a normalizing aspect that will help him not always associate trips to the hospital with bad stuff.

It's great that so many people were interested in giving blood- supplies are ALWAYS dangerously low. If people are interested, you can find a donation center here:

Bringing greater awareness to people about blood donations and marrow registry [] can be one positive side effect of this whole situation; maybe it would make Ben feel good to know that his story is leading a bunch of other people to help in these ways.

Best luck, and wishes for more goofy fishies....

colley said...

Just wanted to see how Ben is doing