Tuesday, May 25, 2010

All is Good

Well after a few tough weeks it has quieted down and things are good. We went to the hospital last week for a blood check and Vincristine. Thankfully his numbers are still good (ANC 1037, hemoglobin 11.3, platelets 246,000) so the doctors were able to bring his medications up to the 75% level. We will return in 2 weeks for another check to see whether they can go back to full dose levels. We successfully completed another month of steroids and everyone survived so that is good!

Ben has had an amazing year at school even with all the sickness. He received rave reviews from his teacher (who Ben thinks of as a rock star) and we walked out of the conference smiling from ear to ear. This is a short week due to parent/teacher conferences so after David's conference on Thursday I am taking the boys and heading camping. Yes, those of you who know me might be laughing at the thought of me trying to put up a tent...but even if it is lopsided we are going to have so much fun! :)

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