Thursday, October 11, 2007

More Good Numbers

We went to the hospital today for a check-up and blood draw. Ben's numbers look very good and the doctors were happy with the exam. We get the next TWO WEEKS OFF from the hospital!!!! Ben is very excited! (Although I must say that the boys had a lot of fun there today. Everyone treats them like superstars and they had everyone laughing the whole time with their silliness.)

When we go back in 2 weeks it will be for the start of the next phase (Delayed Intensification). I will give a full overview of that phase soon. Ben will have a new PICC line put in and the tougher chemo regimen will begin again. There will be some new drugs in this next phase so we are not sure yet how he will react to them.

For now, we are just going to try to keep everyone healthy and continue to enjoy the break!

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