Wednesday, June 13, 2007

More good test results

Ben went to the cardiologist today for an EKG and an echocardiogram (basically an ultrasound of the heart). Both tests were negative, so that's great news.

Ben and David's Grandmom is coming in from Arizona for a visit tomorrow, so the boys are really excited. That's it for now.


Unknown said...

That really is great news... I don't know your family, but I'm a Turning Point mom and have been thinking positive thoughts for Ben and for all of you during this difficult time. When I picked up my son today I heard that Ben had been visiting and that Elias, my son, kept asking him "do you have cancer?"... I wasn't there, but know the teachers told him it wasn't appropriate to ask questions like that, so I wanted to write to you and apologize to Ben, but also wanted to explain that we have just been through a very difficult time in our family, having lost our dog to cancer only three weeks ago. I think Elias felt like he might get answers from Ben that he couldn't get from Jack the pooch, whom he considered to be his furry brother... Again, I hope his grilling didn't make Ben too uncomfortable. He's very brave and we're sending him all our best wishes.
Joana Cruz

Kasey Thomas said...

Hey Ben,

It was so great to see your smiling face at school yesterday! I am sorry that I didn't get a chance to visit with you but as you could see David's class is very busy and if I left them unattended they would run away!! Please come and see Mrs. Lotts and I whenever you get a chance you are always welcome to drop in and say hi! You are so strong!!


Miss Thomas

P.S. David cracks me up on a daily basis...does he make you laugh that hard too??

Unknown said...

Yipee!!! No MRD & no heart problem :D It just keeps getting better. We'll all keep praying for Ben!

(Hi Ben!!! )